Life's BANANAS, and I'm just trying to "unpeel" it's mysteries...
(You, you see what I did there? My nickname is Hannah Banana, and I mention bananas, so "unpeel"... Oh never mind)

Monday, February 15, 2010

The joy of commercials... not really

These days, there are quite a few commercials that are irritating the crap out of me. I thought I would spread the fun!

1) "Every kiss begins with 'Kay'...".  Oh. Good. Grief. Make. it. stop!

2) "He Went to Jared's!?": I don't know why this irritates me... I guess it just feels so lame and


3) The singing in this makes me want to gouge my ears out.... or reach through the screen and kick the lead singer of this "band" in the face (and I am a pacifist - really!).  However, I would watch this 50 times before the "Every Kiss" ones.

4) The ones where the babies talk as adults... especially this one:

5) The Dodge Viper Super Bowl Commercial. To the men bitching and whining in this commercial - You poor things, having to do what women tell you to... You are just so oppressed. Grow a pair already!

These are the ones I change the channel to get away from...

Of course, not all of them make me want to tear my hair out. The following two are hilarious and effective respectively:

1) Of course one of them has to be a hockey commercial!

2) If this doesn't get you choked up at least a little, you may be an android of some kind...

What commercials make YOU run screaming from the room?

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