1) "Every kiss begins with 'Kay'...". Oh. Good. Grief. Make. it. stop!
2) "He Went to Jared's!?": I don't know why this irritates me... I guess it just feels so lame and
3) FreeCreditReport.com: The singing in this makes me want to gouge my ears out.... or reach through the screen and kick the lead singer of this "band" in the face (and I am a pacifist - really!). However, I would watch this 50 times before the "Every Kiss" ones.
4) The ones where the babies talk as adults... especially this one:
5) The Dodge Viper Super Bowl Commercial. To the men bitching and whining in this commercial - You poor things, having to do what women tell you to... You are just so oppressed. Grow a pair already!
These are the ones I change the channel to get away from...
Of course, not all of them make me want to tear my hair out. The following two are hilarious and effective respectively:
1) Of course one of them has to be a hockey commercial!
2) If this doesn't get you choked up at least a little, you may be an android of some kind...
What commercials make YOU run screaming from the room?
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